07 September 2008

Palindromic Free Verse - "I Love Me, vol.1"

Since Sarah Palin appears to be allergic to any microphone not affixed to a podium, I guess we will have to start speaking for her. With the help of Jim Kalb's Palindrome Connection and Thinks.com, I was able to select some prewritten palindromic phrases and organize a simple stump speech for her to deliver when she finds herself out in the hinterlands without John McCain at her side.

    I Love Me, vol. I
    [in palindromic pentameter]

    Top spot.
    Guns 'n' robes, a base born snug.
    We freer few.
    Red now on level - no wonder.

    Draw, O Caesar, erase a coward.

    Stratagem: megatarts.
    Tug at a gut.
    Kayak salad, Alaska yak.
    Elk cackle.

    I saw I was I.

    Is sensuousness I?
    Beware era web!
    Harass sensuousness, Sarah?
    No, it is opposition.
    Oh, cameras are macho.
    Live on, Time; emit no evil.

    I did, did I?

    Dammit, I'm mad.
    May a moody baby doom a yam?
    Oh who was it I saw, oh who?
    Name now one man
    Star comedy by Democrats.

    O tarts! A castrato!

    Yo! Bozo boy!
    Draw, O coward!
    Ten animals I slam in a net.

    I saw I was I.
    A mama.

    Live on evasions? No, I save no evil.
    Harass selfless Sarah!
    Dump mud!
    Sex-aware era waxes.
    Draw a slot, sir, Bristol's a ward.
    Tug at a gut.
    Oh, cameras are macho.
    I've let a name emanate: Levi.

    I saw I was I.

    Was it felt? I had a hit left, I saw
    Dr. Awkward.
    Title fit--I felt it!
    Resume so pacific a pose, muser.
    He lived as a devil, eh?
    Puff in, sniff up!
    A six is a six is a six is a six is a...
    Ergo — ogre!

    I saw I was I.

    Did I do, O God, did I as I said I'd do? Good, I did!
    Harass selfless Sarah!
    Revered now I live on. O did I do no evil, I wonder ever?

    I saw I was I.

    Top spot.
    Guns 'n' robes, a base born snug.
    Kayak salad, Alaska yak.
    I did, did I?
    Harass selfless Sarah!

    I saw I was I.

As much fun as this was for this old English major to put together, there is still much work to be done - MILLIONS of eligible voters in this country are not registered to vote. So the only palindrome that really counts today when it is all said and done is the one below, which is the goal we need to be working towards in every state:

"Rise to vote, sir."


  1. "Strategem: megatarts"

    Wouldn't that have to be "StatAgem"?

    But otherwise a very entertaining idea for a post. And a very nice Blog to boot!

  2. You must have been a reconnaissance man with eyes like that.


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